Sunday, January 27, 2008

what f/sucks right now...

my grandpa, grandma and aunt/housekeeper have the sore eyes. thanks to grandma who insisted on being all cordial to every leper she meets.

my laptop can't pick up the internet signal coming from my router, so i'm updating good old bloggy from my desktop.

my anxiety has been reaching the boiling point ever since Labitag told us we'll be taking our NAT a week from now. i dont wanna be the person who kills himself just 'cause he didn't pass. (it has happened before btw).

i can't find the router's cd. what if we need to reinstall the router? crryy

oh great, the blogger doesn't have a font and size function right now. putalittleloveaway...

oh well, at least....


there is no consolation!!!!!!!!